Meet Cassandra Lehna one of Victoria’s biggest hoes. This girl goes to Diatrikt the big club is town every weekend wearing basically nothing. The girl is anorexic and tries looking hot like no sweetheart put some meat on your bones it’s disgusting. She sits at the end of the bar screaming for attention and hitting on all the bartenders like an attention whore. She thinks she’s the hottest thing walking when really she looks like a walking skeleton. She has so many notches is disgusting… She now is working at Strathcona so I can only imagine how many bartenders she is going to get railed by. Trying to steal other girls boyfriends and sleeping around and talking trash about people she doesn’t even know because she thinks she’s the best thing walking… This girl deserves to be blasted for the nasty little slut she is. Time to grow up hunnie, your not hot and your a anorexic piece of shit. Time to be put in your place.